Don’t Hang Yourself Out to Dry: Why Hiring Licensed Tree Pros is the Safest Choice

Trees are majestic additions to our properties, providing shade, beauty, and even increased property value. But keeping them healthy and hazard-free can be a daunting task. While DIY tree work might seem like a way to save a buck, the statistics tell a different story – one that could leave you hanging (and not in a good way).

The Dangers of DIY Tree Work

The American Society of Landscape Architects reports that a staggering 33% of all landscaping injuries involve tree work [1].  That’s a significant number, and it’s not just about nicks and scrapes.  Falling branches, chainsaw accidents, and even electrocution from power lines are all very real dangers for the untrained homeowner.

The Safety of Licensed Professionals

Hiring a licensed and insured tree service company might seem expensive upfront, but it pales in comparison to the potential costs – both financial and physical – of a DIY disaster.  Professional arborists undergo rigorous training in safe climbing techniques, proper cutting methods, and hazard identification.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports that while tree trimming and removal work has a higher injury rate than many other occupations, licensed companies have significantly lower injury rates than unlicensed ones [2]. This is due to their focus on safety protocols, use of the right equipment, and adherence to industry standards.

    Insurance Protects Everyone

    Accidents can happen, even with the best precautions.  This is where insurance comes in. A reputable tree service company will carry liability and worker’s compensation insurance. This protects you from financial responsibility in case of property damage or worker injury on your property.

    Industry Insights: The Hidden Dangers

    Even within the tree care industry itself, the risks are palpable. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tree care ranks among the most dangerous professions in the United States. In fact, tree trimmers and pruners face a fatality rate that is roughly three times higher than the average for all occupations. Factors contributing to these statistics include falls from heights, electrocutions from power lines, and injuries from falling branches or equipment.

    Without proper licensing and insurance, companies and individuals performing tree work may lack the necessary expertise, training, and safety protocols to mitigate these risks effectively. This not only jeopardizes the well-being of workers but also compromises the safety of clients and their properties.

    Beyond Safety: The Expertise You Deserve

    Licensed professionals aren’t just about wielding chainsaws safely.  They possess the knowledge to assess the health of your trees, identify potential problems, and recommend the most appropriate course of action. This can save your trees from unnecessary trimming or removal, promoting a healthy landscape for years to come.

      So next time you’re looking at that overgrown branch, remember: Your safety, your property, and the health of your trees are all best served by calling in a licensed and insured professional.

      Don’t wait for a branch to fall before you take action! Call Green Valley Tree today to schedule a free quote appointment. Our certified arborist can assess your trees’ needs and recommend the best course of action to keep your landscape healthy and beautiful. Call us at 860-234-4041 to learn more.

      Reach out to our team today!

      Contact Green Valley Tree LLC today for a free estimate
      and licensed professional tree care!


      1. American Society of Landscape Architects:
      2. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):