Deep Root Fertilization vs. Surface Feeding: What You Need to Know

At Green Valley Tree, we understand you want the best for your trees. Many homeowners rely on readily available methods like spreading granules around the base or using fertilization spikes. But what if there’s a better way? Enter Deep Root Fertilization, a targeted approach that nourishes trees from the ground up, leading to healthier, more vibrant specimens.

The Limitations of Surface Feeding

While convenient, surface feeding methods like spreading fertilizer or using spikes have limitations:

  • Limited Reach: Most feeder roots, where trees absorb nutrients, lie deeper than surface applications can reach. Fertilization spikes also tend to target a limited area around the insertion point. Homeowners often end up fertilizing their grass, not the tree itself.
  • Uneven Distribution: Granules can clump or wash away, leaving areas undernourished. Spikes may not distribute nutrients evenly throughout the root zone.
  • Runoff and Waste: Excess fertilizer can run off into waterways, harming the environment.

Deep Root Fertilization: A Targeted Approach

Deep Root Fertilization delivers a concentrated blend of nutrients directly into the root zone. Here’s how it works:

  • Precision Placement: We use specialized equipment to inject fertilizer deep into the soil, reaching the feeder roots directly.
  • Tailored Nutrition: We analyze your soil and customize the fertilizer blend to address your tree’s specific needs.
  • Environmental Benefits: Deep placement minimizes runoff and waste, protecting the environment.

    The Green Valley Tree Difference: Benefits Beyond Roots

    Green Valley Tree takes Deep Root Fertilization a step further:

    • Expert Arborist Consultation: Our certified arborist assess your trees’ health and recommends the best course of action, including whether deep root fertilization is the optimal solution.
    • Long-Term Care: We develop a customized care plan to ensure your trees continue to thrive.
    • Peace of Mind: Our experienced professionals ensure the process is safe and effective for your trees and property.

      Invest in Your Trees, Invest in Your Future

      Healthy trees add beauty, value, and shade to your property. Deep Root Fertilization, paired with Green Valley Tree’s expertise, is an investment in the future health and well-being of your trees. Contact us today for a free quote and unlock the full potential of your trees!

      Reach out to our team today!

      Call us at (860) 234-4041 to schedule a consultation.